Shark Bay Ecosystem Research Project | Tropical Conservation Institute | Florida International University | FIU
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Shark Bay Ecosystem Research Project

Conservation of sharks relies on our ability to accurately monitor their populations through time, as well as space. This information is critical to measuring the progress of current recovery efforts, as well as identifying and prioritizing which species are in greatest need of future conservation measures.

The Project

An international research collaboration led by our researchers with the goal of understanding the dynamics of one of the world’s most pristine seagrass ecosystems. This information is critical to measuring the progress of current recovery efforts, as well as identifying and prioritizing which species are in greatest need of future conservation measures.

The Impact

As the most detailed study of the ecological role of sharks in the world, our work is used to affect positive policy changes in shark conservation. We’re disseminating the results to a wide audience through documentary films, online, curriculum and teacher resources for secondary schools.

Find more information on this project on the Heithaus lab website.