Wildlife Trafficking Intervention Program | Tropical Conservation Institute | Florida International University | FIU
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Wildlife Trafficking Intervention Program

Alongside guns and drugs, illegal wildlife trafficking is one of the trop smuggling crimes in the world. Virtually every wild animal or animal product that enters the United States must be accompanied by a CITES permit and supporting documentation from the exporting nation. Unfortunately, many are victims of illegal smuggling. Wildlife trafficking exploits threatened and endangered species, increases the risk of disease transmission, and introduces invasive species to new regions.

We partnered with the Global Forensic and Justice Center to investigate and track smuggled animals, and address existing gaps in the fight against illegal trafficking in South Florida and other regions. We are working to educate local communities where poaching is persistent, train officials on conservation policies, and help law enforcement agencies expand their resources to implement current trafficking laws, confiscate smuggled animals and prosecute traffickers.

The combined expertise of FIU’s Wildlife Trafficking Intervention Program offers an unparalleled solution to address illegal smuggling of animals and animal parts.


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